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Episode 24: Bonus Kids' Poems - Spring Part 3

In this final special bonus episode focused on listener poems about Spring, Little Dazzy Donuts is woken up at 2am by Queenie and Chicken to hear nine poems from Wales, India, England, Canada, Nigeria, and the United States. The featured poets are: Joseph, Amy, Huda, Colleen, Abbie, Cali, Akubueze, Melissa, and Aryan. All of that happens despite Queenie's sugar rush from eating two entire cakes.

Listen to the episode.


Queenie: This is sooooo much fun, Chicken! Would you like another piece of cake?




Queenie: Great – the corn frosting or the tuna and banana frosting?




Queenie: And another cup of tea?




Queenie: Well, I don’t mind if I do. This is all so yummy! I can’t believe that we’ve almost finished the cake and several pots of tea. This has been quite the evening.




Queenie: That’s a good question. I have no idea what time it is. I guess that when you’re having this much fun, time just passes by on its own little merry way. Bye, bye time! See you again soon!




Queenie: You did? Well, I think this is my last poem too. Wow! We’ve read ALL of the poems for the Spring competition. I feel really accomplished. Now, where are the ones we wanted to play for Little Dazzy Donuts?




Queenie: Oh – that’s perfect. I like how organized you are, Chicken. Okay, well, now we’ve got these ready for Little Dazzy Donuts then I guess that we have two options. We could call him up and play the recordings for him ….. or we could wait until he’s in the Club tomorrow. What do you think?




Queenie: Yeah – that’s my vote too!!!!!!!




Queenie: That’s strange. He didn’t answer. Let’s try again.




Errr …. Hello. This is Little Daz zy Donuts.


Queenie: Hi Little Dazzy Donuts … it’s Queenie.


I’m sorry – who is this?


Queenie: It’s Queenie. Oh hang on … Chicken, can you turn down the music a little please? …. Okay, can you hear me now?


Queenie … is that you?


Queenie: It sure is!!!!!!!!!!


Oh my gosh – what time is it?


Queenie: I’ll tell you what time it is …. It’s “Tea & Cake Time” …. WooHoo!!!!!!


Am I dreaming?


Queenie: I don’t think so. It really is me, Little Dazzy Donuts. Hang on – are you asleep?


Not any more, I’m not.


Queenie: Wow! I had no idea you went to bed soooooo early.


Let me turn the light on, and see what time it is.




Queenie …. it’s two in the morning!!!!!


Queenie: OH …. MY ….. GOSH!!!!!! That is soooooooo exciting. I’ve never seen two in the morning before, and I was wondering what it looked like … and now I know …. it looks like me …. and Chicken …  having a Poetry Pajama Party …. AT THE CLUUUUUUUUBBBBB!!!!!


Wow, Queenie – you sound all sugared up. Just how much cake have you eaten?


Queenie: Erm – about two.


Two slices?


Queenie: No, two cakes.


No wonder you sound a little excited. So, what are you doing at the Club?


Queenie: Well, we’ve been reading the final batch of poems submitted for the Spring poetry competition … and they are GOOD!!!!! Chicken and I would love to play some for you!


What, now?


Queenie: Yes! We took a vote, and democratically decided to do it now. I guess that’s the sort of crazy thing that happens at a poetry pajama party!


Okay. If that’s the case, why don’t you play the intro music while I’ll prop up my pillows ready to listen to some poetry.


Queenie: You got it! Welcome everyone to this bonus episode of Kids’ Poetry Club!!!!!!




Queenie: Little Dazzy Donuts – I’ve put you on speakerphone so that Chicken can hear you clearly. Are you still there?


Yes, I am. I can’t believe we’re doing this … but it looks like I’m outvoted. That said, I am pleased that the two of you are just so excited about the poems we’ve received. I know we had a lot of really great Spring poems from all around the world. It’s so wonderful that there are such great poets in every country! Thank you for selecting a few to play for me. I hope you’ve also put them on our website?


Queenie: We have. Chicken put them all on the website so you can read the poems as well as hear them.


That’s great news – thanks Chicken. So, who’s up first?


Queenie: Let’s see. Who’s first?  OOohhhhh …. I like this one. It’s Joseph from England, and it’s called Majestic Spring. Chicken, can you peck on the play button for us please.




Joseph: Oh how I love the majestic Spring, A baby bird with a flapping wing, A pigeon, did you know, Gives her baby milk to help it grow. I scatter the nutty bird feed, A bird sweeps in with eyes of greed, She stands there looking at me, The pup barks like a yelp of glee. I walk past the great old farm, It's lamb-mania inside the barn, How I love the majestic spring, Oh how it makes me want to sing.


I can see why you picked out that poem, Queenie. I learned something from it – that pigeons give their babies a form of milk. And also, I really like the phrase “lamb-mania”. I can totally picture the craziness of a barn filled with lambs! Thank you, Joseph, for your fun poem. So, who’s up next Queenie?




Queenie: Whoops, Sorry …… I was checking the fridge. I’m sure there’s more cake in there somewhere! Okay, let’s see …. Which poem should we play for you second? I know, let’s play Amy’s. She’s from Wales, and her poem is called Spring.  Chicken, can you peck the play button for Amy’s poem please?


Amy: The trees have had no leaves, And the skies have been grey, The seas have been rough, Rocks covered in spray. Now skies are getting brighter, The buds are on the trees, The winds are getting lighter, The flowers swarm with bees. Colourful as a rainbow, Beautiful as new life being born, Chicks fluffy as a pillow, Spring’s rose fingered dawn


Thank you so much Amy. What a lovely poem. I really like how you transition us from scenes of Winter to the excitement of Spring, and then end the poem with chicks fluffy as a pillow. Okay, Queenie – I’m actually feeling much better about being woken up now. How are things going at the Club?


Queenie: They’re peachy. Real peachy! Although, not as peachy as they were back when there was cake. I think that’s where all of my energy was coming from. I was cake-powered. But my cake tank is now empty. Okay, what poem shall we play next? I know … here’s one from Huda in Canada. Is Canada far, Little Dazzy Donuts?


Well, Queenie, it all depends on where you’re starting from.


Queenie: Oh my gosh. You just blew my mind! Wow! Okay, let’s hear Huda’s poem.


Huda: Spring . What a wonderful thing! I love jumping in puddles, And blowing big fat bubbles. My dad loves planting tomatoes, While I’m getting bitten by tiny mosquitoes. A slight breeze that cools me down, While I’m running around. There are beautiful flowers everywhere, Especially right there! The only thing, That I don’t like about spring Is… The cleaning I don’t really get the meaning Of spring cleaning. During spring, You should have fun, And run, And play with friends, But that’s not the end! You can have barbecues with your family. Eating happily. There’s even more to do. But that’s totally up to you!



Thank you, Huda. Your poem is so full of fun and you’re right that it’s totally up to us to make the most of the fun that Spring has to offer. Thank you so much for writing your poem and sending it in. Okay, Queenie – how’s the poetry pajama party going?


Queenie: Well, now we’re out of cake, I think that Chicken may actually have gone to bed! I was hoping that she’d help me to blow up balloons so we can decorate the Club ready for Monday’s awards ceremony. Ummm … do you think that chickens can blow up balloons?


Well, I’m not sure, Queenie. What do you think?


Queenie? Are you still there?


Queenie: Sorry – I got distracted by the shape of chicken beaks and whether they can blow up balloons. I know what, why don’t I get myself back on track with a poem? OOOhhhhh … I really like this one. It’s about a Little Bulb, and it’s from Colleen in England.


Colleen:  Through the winter, fast asleep, Beneath the hard and frozen ground, Planted down, so very deep, The Little Bulb makes not a sound. Now something changes, something stirs , The Little Bulb begins to grow, As the sun smiles down upon the earth, And warms the frozen soil below. She stretches, yawns, then reaches up, Pushing now with all her might, Her shoots like arms move through the soil, Until she breaks through into light. At last her petals open up, She turns her face to greet the sun, A Shining Daffodil at last! Another Spring has just begun.


Thank you, Colleen, for your lovely poem. I like the thought of a bulb underground waiting for Spring, and then growing up through the soil to greet the sunshine. Daffodils are definitely a big part of Spring. Okay, Queenie – how are you doing without Chicken and, more importantly, without any cake?


Queenie: zzzzzzzz


Queenie? Has all that sugar worn off? Have you dozed off?


Queenie: Errrrr …. I’ll have mine with soy please …. Oh gosh, sorry Little Dazzy Donuts, I’m not sure what happened there. I better keep rolling with these poems. I’m worried that one of us might fall asleep! I know – we need a really lively poem …. Here we go … this one is perfect … it’s from Abbie in the United States.


Abbie: Hopping and frolicking, Playing and gobbling, That’s what spring bunnies do. Cheeping and crying, Singing and soaring, That’s what spring birdies do. Buzzing and twinkling, Crawling and squirming, That’s what spring buggies do. Bending and swaying, Sprouting and growing, That’s what spring plants do. Shining and laughing, Lighting and warming, That’s what spring sun rays do. Jumping and rolling, Loving and learning, That’s what spring children do.


Thank you so much, Abbie. Queenie was definitely right – your poem is full of action. I love the image of Spring bunnies playing and gobbling! And the kids having so much fun too. Okay, Queenie, how’s the poem pile looking at your end. Can you stay awake long enough for a few more poems?


Queenie: Me? Stay awake? Of course – I’m never going to sleep again. I’ve discovered the secret to 24/7 poetry. It’s this wonderful combination of poems, pajamas, cake, and tea! That said – things are starting to get a little wacky in here. If you get too tired can you hallucinate? There’s a pink elephant floating in here, and I really don’t know where he came from. I better play another poem. Here, this one is also full of action, and it’s from Cali in England.


Cali:  Movie night was a blast. It went really fast. Sweets, chocolate, popcorn galore. It left us wanting so much more! Our water fight occurred the next day. Heart pounding, tummy turning, I was ready to play. Soon enough the battle had begun. Neighbours could hear the laughter, it was so much fun. Hands hurting, palms sweating, I began to mix, flour, sugar, eggs-my mum taught me all the tricks. Mix it, pour it, crack an egg or two. Sweat trickling down, tummy roaring, they’re ready-phew! Roll a dice, get a six, that’s what we hope for. Little did we realise the family was soon at war. Scream, cries, stamping of feet, and that was just my dad at his terrible defeat!


Thank you so much Cali. That whole poem is so full of fun. It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful time with your water fight. That’s definitely not something to do in Winter, and so I can imagine just how exciting it is to finally get through Winter and find a day warm enough to do a water fight. You captured all of that so well. Thank you!


Okay, Queenie ….  Who’s up next?


Queenie: Up next we have Akubueze, who is from Nigeria. Isn’t it wonderful that we have poems from so many amazing places? Okay, let me play her poem, which is called “The Spring’s Smile”.


Akubueze: You are here again troublemaker. This time i won't let you go so soon, Because you make me blush, Even the flower knows what i'm talking about. Even leaves are throwing itself for you Like you are some royalty. If you can make me blush. I guess my smile has change into the spring's smile When i called you a troublemaker, I wasn't lying at all, Because you make me lazy, And wanting to go on vacation. You tease me with your warmness. Oh i really want to go on a picnic , And smile the spring's smile. I kept smiling all day to jokes , And forgeting that time flies. But when you arrived. My day longen at lot, And i smile to no jokes at all, Because i have been infected with, The spring's smile.


Thank you, Akubueze. I really like how you’ve captured the way Spring makes someone feel happier, and how it changes what they want to do.  Your Spring Smile poem made me smile too! Thank you for writing your poem, and sending it in from Nigeria.



Queenie: Little Dazzy Donuts … I may be so tired that I’m seeing things. My floating pink elephant dancing with an invisible squirrel. You may ask, how do I know the squirrel is there if she’s invisible?  I’m not even sure myself. I just know it’s there. It’s wearing a tutu as well! Okay … before my imagination fills the whole Club with strange creatures, let’s play our second to last poem. It’s from Melissa in England, and it’s all about stepping out into Spring.


Melissa: Let’s step outside and step into spring. The beautiful season the daffodils bring. Smell the flowers as their scent fills the air. Bees buzzing help them grow everywhere. As the plants blossom and bloom you’ll see. Just how beautiful nature can be. Hear the birds all singing their song. And the whirling wind whistling along. Feel the sun gently warming our cheeks. Or raindrops dancing round our feet. Then, with a spring in our steps, home we go. Thanking Spring for this wonderful show.


Thank you, Melissa, for your wonderful poem. I love the thought of stepping out into the joys of Spring and its wonderful show. Thank you for sending in your poem.


Well, Queenie … you made it to the final poem …  Queenie????


Queenie: zzzzzzzzz


Gosh, she finally dropped off to sleep. Well, she’s going to need this rest so that she can build up her energy for Monday’s episode where we announce the winners of the competition. I know that she’s booked an orchestra … and I may have misheard her, but I could have sworn that she told Chicken that she’d ordered 1000 balloons! I have no idea how she’s going to blow those up. Well, I suppose that we’ll find out on Monday.


I think we’ll let Queenie sleep, and I’ll play us the final poem. It’s from Aryan in India, and it’s a wonderful celebration of Spring and the importance of enjoying every Spring day whether the first or the last. Before we hear it, I want to say a massive thank you to the nine poets we heard from today: Joseph, Amy, Huda, Colleen, Abbie, Cali, Akubueze, Melissa, and Aryan. Don’t forget that you can find all of their poems online at kidspoetryclub.com/springpoems.


It has been so lovely to spend time with you! Thank you for joining me, Queenie, and Chicken. I hope you enjoyed yourself, and hope you’ll return on Thursday to listen to the bonus episode, and then next week for the winners’ announcement. It will be so great to see you there!


Let’s wrap up with Aryan’s beautiful poem, “The Last Day of Spring”


Aryan: During Spring times, yawn goes to flee. Jovial the only thing you will see, but my assertion went wrong when the mirror looked at me. I found the only thing which seemed sully. Alas! My mind was not so Spring. I went to the attic, to search for sorrow, I wondered what made my happiness hollow. My eyes got it. I realize my pain will grow, the vicinity I see today might not be tomorrow. Oh! It was the last day of Spring. My lips cried: why this moment has to die? When faces are jolly why let eyes cry? Why can’t you change this bitter truth into a sweet lie? Why don’t you answer? Please tell why – You have to kill this Spring. I wonder how the mirror turned wise? It told me – it is no good to despise. If one phase is sunny other maybe ice. Remember rain always settles and the sun always rises. The same way it goes with Spring. So, why rued your mood on the last day of Spring! Why shut your ears! The bells still ring. Why moan when the environment sings! Hence, be optimistic and widen your wings – for this another day of Spring.


Thank you, Aryan, for sending in your beautiful poem. It feels right that a poem that celebrates the last day of Spring is actually the last poem we feature in our three bonus episodes on kids’ Spring poems. Thank you so much for writing it and sending it into the competition.


Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you all at next week’s episode where we announce the competition winners. Until then, keep rhyming!