
Episode 52: Pond Squad

This week, Queenie and Chicken build a pond next to their wildflower garden, and learn from Hedgehog about how to make sure that a pond or pool is safe for creatures. To spread the word to others, they engage the help of local DJs, Tom and Art, and then make their services available to help install ramps for hedgehogs. Along the way, Little Dazzy Donuts reads three poems about a modest fish, pond world, and a peaceful pond.

After listening, why not check out the material below? You can download the episode’s free PodPack of fun activities, and watch the YouTube video of an illustrated poem from the episode.


Listen to the episode.


Download the PDF PodPack that goes with this episode. It contains activities based on the poems in this episode. It’s all free.





Let's have some fun 

with things that rhyme

welcome Kids 

it's poetry time!


Hip Hip Hurray!


Welcome everyone to Kids’ Poetry Club with me, Little Dazzy Donuts. I’m on my way into the Club to see how Queenie and Chicken are getting on with the garden. They’ve been busy harvesting all of the ripe vegetables, and stocking up their farm stand over by the oak tree. As they’ve done that, I know they’ve come up with some creative ways to make their garden even more amazing, and so I’m interested to see what they’ve been doing.


As I’m not quite at the Club yet, why don’t we take advantage of this time to do our Club registration? This is where you get to shout out your name and get a Club point for being here. So, on the count of three, shout out your name so that I can hear you through your phone, computer, or radio.


Let the drum roll begin. Here goes …. One. Two. Three! ….. Excellent!


Well, I just arrived at the Club, and so let’s walk around the back and see what Queenie and Chicken are up to in the garden.


SOUND (Gate)


Hi Queenie … Hi Chicken.


Queenie: Oh, hi Little Dazzy Donuts. We’re over here by the wild flower garden. We’ll be with you in a mo….  Now, Chicken, can you hold that side of the liner, and I’ll hold this side … okay, let’s lay it down into the hole …. There it goes. Perfect.


This is looking great, Queenie. So, you’re making a pond?


Queenie: We are. We’ve been thinking about it for a while, and did a lot of research … and today’s the day when we’re finally building it. We carefully selected our spot over here by the wild flower garden. It gets a lot of sun, but then there’s some shade too in the evenings. It seems the perfect spot for a nice shallow pond.


It does. So, how exactly is a pond built?


Queenie: Well, we started by marking the outline with some string, and we played with that a while until we were really happy with the shape. We didn’t want anything too boring, like a circle … and so ours is the shape of a large ear! It turns out that all of the curves will add to the number of little creatures who will make their home in our pond, and it makes the pond more attractive for wildlife in general.


Okay, so once you’d agreed on the shape, what happened next?


Queenie: Next, we dug it out with our spades. We didn’t dig it too deep – and, as you’ll see, we’ve dug it so that there are several different levels. It’s deepest in the middle, and that helps frogs when it gets cold and icy in Winter, and then there are shallower shelves over near the edges. We know from our research that those shelves are likely to be where we’ll find most of the creatures in the pond, and tadpoles too! Gosh, isn’t this exciting?


It is. So, is this when the water goes in?


Queenie: It is. We’ve put some sand at the bottom, and then put in our plastic liner. Next, we put some more sand on top of the liner, and then fill it up with water.


And you then put the fish in?


Queenie: Fish? Did you say, put the fish in? Oh, Little Dazzy Donuts! This isn’t a fish pond – it’s a wildlife pond. If we put fish in here, they’d probably eat most of the wildlife that we’re interested in encouraging and watching. So, there won’t be any fish – but we’re hoping to see all sorts of wonderful creatures like frogs and newts, and water boatmen, and pond snails. This is going to be such fun.


It is. Now, what can I do to help?


Queenie: Ummm…. Do you happen to know any poems about ponds? We’re about to fill this one with water, and it would be fun to listen to a pond poem while we fill it.


I do, Queenie. I know several. How about I read you a poem about fish in a pond. I know you won’t be having fish, but it’s still a nice poem.


Queenie: Perfect. Hang on, before you start …. Chicken, can you grab the hose and bring it over?


SOUND (Chicken)


Queenie: Perfect … okay, now turn it on! Wonderful, I’ll stand here holding the hose and you can read your poem now, Little Dazzy Donuts.


Okay, well this poem is called “The Very Modest Fish” and it’s all about a pretty fish in a pond, that’s also very modest. Here, I’ll read it to you now.


For a decidedly pretty fish,

you’re a very shy guy.

You blush oh so red,

if I look in your eye.


For all you’ve accomplished,

you have modesty too,

you don’t boast of achievements

that draw attention to you.


You’re bashful and humble:

so reserved for a fish.

To be as unassuming,

is something I wish.


Your unpretentious nature

is what I enjoy.

You brighten the pond

yet you’re also just koi.



So, how’s it going with the water, Queenie?


Queenie: Well, I think we’re full now. Can you turn the hose off please, Chicken? Excellent – thank you! My gosh, this pond really adds something to the garden. It will be so good to sit down here and watch the creatures. Chicken and I are going to keep a pond diary of all of the creatures that we see. It should be fun to note how that all changes during the year, so what we see in Spring, Summer, and so on. Any day we want, we can bring a mug of tea down here, and just watch.


It actually sounds like a nice escape. You know, when things get hectic and you need a break from everything, I can imagine that being by this pond would be quite relaxing.


Queenie: Oh, Little Dazzy Donuts, I forgot to show you an important part of the pond. See, over here. Well this is a nice gentle slope so that animals can get out if they fall into the pond. We’re going to put some pebbles there together with a few logs and plants. All of that will help any poor creature that’s fallen into the pond and wants to get out of it.


What a wonderful idea. How did you ever think of that?


Queenie: We were talking to Hedgehog and it turns out that it’s quite common that hedgehogs fall into ponds and pools that don’t have ramps, and they can’t get out. They can swim, but if they can’t get out, then they’ll die. Isn’t that awful?! So Hedgehog told us all about what sort of ramp is needed, and it turns out that they’re also handy for froglets who have grown from tadpoles and want to get out of the pond. So ramps are really important.


It sounds it. Gosh, I hope that everyone around here who has a pond or a pool knows about this and has a ramp to help the creatures.


Queenie: If they don’t have a ramp, then Chicken and I can definitely build one for them. We’d be happy to. But how do we know who doesn’t have a ramp in their pond or pool?


SOUND (Chicken)


Queenie: That’s right, Chicken. We can call everyone up and ask them if they have a pond or pool, and if they do, then ask if they have a ramp for hedgehogs and froglets. Oh, hang on – I don’t know everyone’s phone number. Ummm …. How will we ever ask everyone?


I know. How about your friends at the radio station – you know, the DJs.


Queenie: Tom and Art?


That’s them. How about Tom and Art?


Queenie: Oh, do you think that they have everyone’s phone number?


No – I was thinking that you could ask them about making an announcement on their show all about the importance of ramps in ponds and pools.


Queenie: Oh my gosh – that’s a genius idea. They should be on-air right now doing their drive-time show. I bet they’d be more than happy to tell everyone about ramps. They could also tell everyone that Chicken and I are more than happy to build ramps in any pools that don’t have them. Let’s pop into Chicken’s house and I’ll call them up now using her phone.


SOUND (Door)


SOUND (Phone)


Tom: Thank you for calling the Tom & Art Drive-Time Show Quizzapalooza. You’re caller number 8. Please hold.


Queenie: Hi Tom? Tom? I want to tell you about hedgehog ramps! Tom? Oh, I’m on hold – and I’m caller number 8 so I could be on hold for a while!


Well, while you wait, why don’t I read you another poem? I have one here that’s all about ponds, and is called Pond World. I’ll read it to you now ….



There's a pond in my garden -

a different world, so it seems.

I now keep a pond diary

of all that I've seen.


It has dragonflies, frogspawn,

pond snails and toads.

It has newts and pond skaters.

As for larvae, there's loads.


In Summer, it has grass snakes.

In Winter, there's frogs,

amphibians hide in rockeries

and piles of logs.


The whole year 'round,

there's something to see,

grab a pen and some paper

and come watch with me.



Queenie: Thank you, Little Dazzy Donuts. That poem definitely helped to pass the time. Hopefully, Tom and Art will take me off hold soon.


SOUND (Jingle)


Queenie: Oh, I think this is them now.


Art: Okay, let’s check in with the caller on Line 8. Hello Line 8. Who’s calling the Tom & Art Drive-Time Show?


Queenie: Hi, Art – it’s Queenie. I’m a long-time listener, second-time caller.


Art: Hi Queenie. How great to hear from you again.


Queenie: Thanks, Art. I’m phoning to tell everyone about ponds and hedgehogs.


Tom: Well, actually Queenie, you’ve called during the Tom & Art Drive-Time Quizzapalooza.


Queenie: I have? Well, can I tell you about ponds and hedgehogs instead?


Tom: You can definitely tell us about ponds and hedgehogs, but first, why not try to win today’s star prize? If you can answer Tom’s Toughie question, you’ll win a hot air balloon ride. Isn’t that fantastic?!


Queenie: It is, Tom. Okay. Sure. I’ll take part in the Quizzapalooza and I’ll then tell everyone about ponds and hedgehogs.


Art: The questions are tough today, Queenie. You’re caller number 8, which means that 7 people have already failed to win the prize. Okay, Tom, over to you.


Tom: So, Queenie … for Tom’s Toughie Question today, do you want a question on geography, sport, or literature?


Queenie: Oh, I’m fine with whatever, Tom. Whatever you want to ask me.


Tom: Okay then … let’s go with literature … and your question is …. To win a hot air balloon ride …. Which poet wrote the famous poem, I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud?


Queenie … Oh, YIPPEE!!!!! Okay, Tom … here goes …


I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Queenie: …. And it was written by William Wordsworth, 1770 to 1850.


Art: Queenie, you’re a winner! Congratulations! You’ve won the prize of a hot air balloon ride.


Queenie: That’s such good news. Oh, am I allowed to give that to my friend, Chicken? I do hope so as Chicken has never flown that high before. It would be really special if she could.


Tom: Actually, Queenie, it’s a hot air balloon ride for two people, and so you and Chicken can go together.


Queenie: YIPPEE! Now, can I tell you about hedgehogs and ponds please?


Tom: Of course, Queenie.


Queenie: well, a friend of mine recently told me that ponds and pools can be dangerous to creatures, especially hedgehogs, who can drown in them if they fall in and there isn’t a ramp to help them out. So, if anyone is listening to your show and they have a pond or a pool without a ramp, they can call me at Chicken’s House, and Chicken and I will come out to install a ramp for you …. Oh, and we do it for free!


Art: Well, that’s wonderful, Queenie. Thank you so much for sharing that tip with our listeners.


Tom: Well, we need to move on now as it’s time for the birthday segment. But thanks for calling, Queenie – and congratulations on being today’s winner of the Tom & Art Drive-Time Quizzapalooza.


Queenie: Thanks! Bye Tom … bye Art!


Wow! Well done, Queenie – you told everyone about the risks to hedgehogs, AND you also won a hot air balloon ride. How fantastic.


Queenie: It is! I guess that I better sit here by the phone in case anyone calls to have a ramp installed. While we wait, do you have a final poem, Little Dazzy Donuts?


I do, Queenie. This final poem is all about how peaceful a pond can be, and is called “To Have or To Be”. Here, I’ll read the poem to you now.


Life can be hectic.

Just dashing around.

We all need a spot,

to sit down and lounge.

A place that is peaceful

and good for the soul.

Where the parts of my life

come together as whole.

Where my mind isn’t racing,

my stress put away,

my worries are silenced.

For a brief time that day,

I’m mindful and restful.

The joys that I see,

when I‘m not focused on having

and I just start to be.



Well, sadly, that was our final poem for today. While we wait for people to phone about pond ramps for hedgehogs, let me remind everyone that there are lots of ways to join in with the club. If you go to kidspoetryclub.com, you’ll see a wonderful drawing by our Club illustrator, Dot Cherch, based on one of the poems from the episode. You can also see the PodSnack video and download the episode’s PodPack of activities. They’re all free. Plus there’s information on how to send your poems and drawings into the club, including your poem and art entries into the Autumn/Fall competition on the topic of gratitude – so, what you’re thankful for, grateful for, and appreciative of. You’ll find everything you need at kidspoetryclub.com.


It has been so lovely to spend time with you! Thank you for joining me, Queenie, Chicken, and Tom and Art from the Drive-Time Show. I hope you enjoyed yourself, and hope you’ll be back for more next time the Club meets. Join us again next week when we’ll have a brand new topic, and new poems.


As always, let's finish with our short goodbye poem:


We've had some fun 

with things that rhymed

goodbye Kids 

until next time!


This is Little Dazzy Donuts saying .... keep rhyming!!!


Okay, Queenie, any calls yet?


Queenie: Not yet, but I’m sure we’ll get them. We have our ramp installation equipment here all ready.


SOUND (Phone)


Queenie: Oh … there’s our first customer. Hello … this is Queenie. A pond? Yes, we do ponds. A fee? Oh no – we do this for free. Anything to help hedgehogs. Okay, we’ll be there in 5 minutes – the Pond Squad is on its way!