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Episode 73: Bonus Kids’ Poems - Pre-Show Jitters

Join us for this bonus episode as Queenie and Little Dazzy Donuts figure out the script for next Monday's Special Show. Queenie has a pile of ideas, but none of them seems the right one. If only she had an acting cat, or had actors who knew how to act invisible. That said, the perfect idea emerges and, with Chicken's help, all will be great on the night. Along the way, they play poems from India, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with five poets reading their entries into the current competition: Achyut, Didriksha, Melissa, Severa, and Sneha.

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Read more about our Competitions

Check out the full details of our new competition, and start entering your poetry and art today. We can’t wait to see it!

You can also revisit our Autumn/Fall competition on the topic of Gratitude by checking out the Winners, poetry Finalists, and art Finalists.